Saturday, August 3, 2013

The basics for Time Management

We  are living in a period where people are not having much time for others ( unless they are not  working and just idling or procrastinating ). People don't have time for friends and even for family (including kids and spouses).Time is very important. In Hindi , there is a proverb which means "The things which  you are going to do tomorrow , you should do it today , the things you have to do today, do it right now, if the work is left out , when would you do that ?". You should not waste time. The time which has gone never comes back! For that you have to learn utilising the time in the right way, or simply learn 'Time Management'. 
Time Management simply means utilising time in the right way by restricting every activity for a certain time period according to your occupation. For example, A student should restrict his video game playing , watching television , Facebook , outdoor activities according to his grade. A 1st grade child has a lot of time for all the activities mentioned above because he has to study less , but an 8th grade child has relatively very less time for them because he has a lot of workload from study on his mind. The first thing you have to do to manage your time is listing out priorities. For example, an 8th grade student has two main priorities  that are studying and outdoor activities. So if an 8thee has 6 hours time left after he comes from school then he should study for at least 1 hour a day, play for 1 hour outside, 1 hour is used up in eating food, rest for two hours and spend 1 hour on leisure activities. After setting up all the priorities you need to create a schedule for everyday. You can spend more time on leisure activities on holidays and spend less  time for it on working days. Then comes the hardest part - implementing it in real life, but if you have a goal in your mind you should strive to achieve it . So what are you waiting for? Go and implement these points right now !

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